My interests

What moves me

Since my earliest days – professionally for more than three decades now – I have been moved by human and interpersonal changes and developments, driven by the inherent human urge for awareness, as well as by the question of how we can live and work together in a more fulfilling and sustainable way.

Becoming aware

What I trust

I trust that not only what fascinates people – individuals or teams – but also what challenges or disturbs them carries an invitation to further awareness, even if its realization sometimes takes some time. In this sense, I also understand conflicts as harbingers of a greater awareness of diversity and a deepening relationship.

My passion

What inspires and motivates me

I am always fascinated by the connections and interactions of the individual and the collective. Personal processes or inner conflicts can be connected to body processes, night dreams or relationship conflicts. Social dynamics can also have an effect on the individual. At the same time, each step of consciousness of an individual represents a contribution to our society as a whole.

It motivates me when I experience or can participate when a person takes the first step and also discovers and can accept the position of the other person as their own: a moment of deep interpersonal and inner encounter!


My Expertise


Degree from the Ruhr-University Bochum

Master Certified Coach (MCC)

International Coaching Federation (ICF)

European certificate for Psychotherapy (ECP)

European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP)

Accredited Psychotherapist

United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)

Facilitator (Individual Group), Trainer and Supervisor

Research Society for Process Oriented Psychology, London UK

Lecturer in the course of studies coaching

Vinzenz Pallotti University, Vallendar


Diploma in Psychology

Clinical psychology, including psychosomatic medicine
(Ruhr-University Bochum)

Master Certified Coach – International Coaching Federation

ICF accredited Coaching Training Programs:

  • Coaching Foundations Program,
    Process Oriented Coaching (Global Coaching Institute, AU)
  • Coaching Fundamentals and Solution Focused Coaching in Organizations,
    Solutions Academy, Frankfurt, Germany
  • Team Coaching,
    Coaching Mentoring International (CMI) – David Clutterbuck
    Solutions Academy, Frankfurt, Germany

Diploma in Process Oriented Psychology,

Research Society for Process Oriented Psychology UK, London, accredited by the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)

UKCP Accredited Psychotherapist

Research Society for Process Oriented Psychology UK, London,
accredited by the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) (professional body of psychotherapists and counsellors in the United Kingdom)

Two-Year-Certificate of Study in Process Work

Process Work Center of Portland, Portland, OR, US/ Wuppertal, Germany

Training in Craniosacral Therapy

The Milne Institute, Big Sur, CA, US

Training as an alternative health practitioner

Bildungs- und Gesundheitszentrum, Haan, Germany.
State licence to practise medicine and psychotherapy , Solingen


Certifications for Personality Assessment and Leadership Development

Linc Personality Profiler (LPP)

Personality test that captures personality in a holistic way: Character, motives and competencies. It is based on the standard psychological model for personality: BIG FIVE. LINC Institute, Lüneburg, Germany

Diamond Power Index™ (DPI)

360º Leadership Assessment and Development. The Diamond Power Index® (DPI) leadership assessment measures leadership efficacy using the framework of Power Intelligence®. Diamond Leadership, Portland, OR, US / Bratislava, SK.

Personal development

Quality Assurance and Ethical Standards

As someone who accompanies you in your development, I continuously work on my own personal development, regularily have supervision around my work with clients, teams and groups, and follow up on my education through CPD (continuing professional development).

The quality assurance of my professional practice, including regular re-accreditations and compliance with ethical standards, is also reflected in and assured by my memberships of the international organizations listed below.

International Coaching Federation
European Association for Psychotherapy
International Association for Process Oriented Psychology
UK Council for Psychotherapy
Process Oriented Psychology UK, London

Peter Ammann
Coaching & Facilitation
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 55, 42103 Wuppertal
Phone: +49 (0) 202 7053322

Peter Ammann

As a psychologist, coach and trainer, my expertise is in accompanying change processes. When accompanying individuals, couples, teams and organizations, I trust the inherent wisdom and organizational structure of processes. I support you to recognize harbingers of change processes in your verbal and non-verbal communication, body signals, relationship and team dynamics, and I meet you with compassion and encourage you and challenge you to grow at your limits of awareness.

Get in touch

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