Unleash the full potential of your team
Facilitation and Team Coaching
Strengthen your team for outstanding performance!
Do you want to ensure that your team works efficiently, maintains better communication and achieves outstanding results together? Then facilitation and team coaching is an effective key to success!
Successful Team
Working relationships and motivation
Good working relationships have been shown to be critical to satisfaction, physical health and team success. They motivate employees to reach their full potential and enable teams to successfully overcome challenges.
However, interpersonal challenges, such as conflict, bullying, bias, diversity issues, or power plays, can interfere with communication and collaboration. This can lead to a decrease in productivity, increased errors, increased absenteeism, and poor decisions. Facilitation can help reverse this process and unleash the potential of each team member, as well as the entire team.
Strenghteing team dynamics
From communication to self-reflection
Invest in your team
Create the conditions for greater satisfaction, motivation and sustainable success! Invest in your team and unleash your team’s full potential.
Peter Ammann
Coaching & Facilitation
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 55, 42103 Wuppertal
Telefon: +49 (0) 202 7053322
Peter Ammann
Als Psychologe, Coach und Trainer ist es meine Expertise, Veränderungsprozesse zu unterstützen. In der Begleitung von Einzelpersonen, Paaren, Teams und Organisationen vertraue ich der innewohnenden Weisheit und Organisationsstruktur von Prozessen.
Ich unterstütze Sie, Vorboten von Veränderungsprozessen in Ihrer verbalen und nonverbalen Kommunikation, Körpersignalen, Beziehungs- und Teamdynamiken zu erkennen, begegne Ihnen mit Mitgefühl und ermutige Sie, fordere Sie heraus, an Ihren Bewusstseinsgrenzen zu wachsen.
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