Expand your perception
Around the tension between person, role and position
Mastering challenges
Your space for reflection and quality assurance
Supervision is a professional form of reflection and an important part of quality assurance for people from medical, educational or psychosocial work areas. People in management positions, individual employees as well as teams and departments are confronted with new challenges in their relationships with customers and their everyday needs. Navigating a complex field of tension between person, role, position, concern, customers, organization and society.
Targets according to context and need
Some goals of supervision
In this complex area, supervision offers a proven form of support for professional work. Supervision has a variety of goals that can vary depending on the context and needs. Below are some goals for your supervision:
The list of goals is not exhaustive and may vary depending on the context and needs. In any case, supervision helps to promote personal and professional development and to increase the quality of work.
My offer
Supervision offers:
The individual sessions (50 minutes) usually take place in my practice. Team and group supervisions (90-120 minutes) can also take place in your facility or organization. In addition, I have been working regularly online or on the phone for over 15 years.
Do you have any questions about supervision, the general conditions or the procedure?
Arrange a free meeting appointment by email or call me at +49 202-7053322. I am pleased to meet you.
Peter Ammann
Coaching & Facilitation
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 55, 42103 Wuppertal
Telefon: +49 (0) 202 7053322
E-Mail: info@peterammann.de
Peter Ammann
Als Psychologe, Coach und Trainer ist es meine Expertise, Veränderungsprozesse zu unterstützen. In der Begleitung von Einzelpersonen, Paaren, Teams und Organisationen vertraue ich der innewohnenden Weisheit und Organisationsstruktur von Prozessen.
Ich unterstütze Sie, Vorboten von Veränderungsprozessen in Ihrer verbalen und nonverbalen Kommunikation, Körpersignalen, Beziehungs- und Teamdynamiken zu erkennen, begegne Ihnen mit Mitgefühl und ermutige Sie, fordere Sie heraus, an Ihren Bewusstseinsgrenzen zu wachsen.
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